Saturday 19 September 2020

Latest treatment procedures for sports injuries

The type of treatment that a player will get depends on the type of injury. A sportsperson goes through multiple injuries during his/her career. From the minor strains to the serious bone injuries, there are many sports injuries can happen through an athlete’s career. Some of them require a basic medical attention, while some of them need immediate surgeries.

Latest treatment procedures for sports injuries

Here are the common sports injuries mentioned below:

  • Broken arm or wrist
  • Back pain
  • Broken Ankle
  • Cartilage Damage
  • Broken Knee Ligament
  • Heel Pain
  • Severe Head Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • Sprains & Strains

Surgical Procedures

Severe and serious injuries require surgical procedures. The serious injuries may include badly broken bones, broken ligaments, and cartilage damage. The badly broken bones may require wires, plates, screws, or rods to correct the physicality and functioning.

There are two types of surgical procedures that an athlete might need to treat his injury. Those surgical procedures include; open surgery and arthroscopic surgery.

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally-invasive procedure and highly-efficient technique for rectifying joint problems. In Arthroscopic surgery, small incisions are made to insert Arthroscope – a small camera, and other surgical instruments.

Benefits of Arthroscopic surgery:

  • Smaller incisions are made
  • Less post-operative pain
  • Less scarring
  • Faster recovery

Not only athletes, but this treatment procedure is also a good option for those who want to get back to their normal life or work as soon as possible.

Common or famous sports knee injuries and their treatments:

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears

The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the four primary ligaments in our knee. Despite being the smallest of the four ligaments, it allows our knee to rotate. When your anterior cruciate ligament is injured, your knee becomes unable to bend or function to its full extent.

Causes of sprained or broken ACL sports injuries:

  • Sudden change in the movement
  • Incorrect landing techniques while jumping or running
  • The abnormal force applied to the front or back of the knee

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Tears

The posterior cruciate ligament is quite similar to the ACL, which connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. Despite being little larger and longer than the ACL, it is still tearable. The PCL injury leads to the experience of knee instability. This makes walking and bearing weight becomes difficult to handle for your knee.

Meniscus tear

The meniscus is the part of your bone that makes a cushion between your femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). Each knee joint contains 2 meniscus. No matter you are an athlete or not, the meniscus tear can happen to anyone.

Causes of a meniscus tear:

  • A sudden or pivot turn
  • Heavy weight lifting
  • Weak muscles

Head off to the Orthopaedic and joint replacement department of the Park Hospital Gurgaon, where the best orthopaedic doctors perform the most advanced surgeries and treatment procedures to rectify sports injuries.

There can be many causes for your ligament injuries in your knees and other joints, but the expert supervision of experienced orthopaedic doctors at Park Hospital is always ready to give the best treatment.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Why should we not ignore dental problems?

We are taught from childhood to take care of our dental hygiene. Also, we were told to brush our teeth twice daily when we were kids.

Flossing can also be performed to keep the teeth clean. If not once a day, we can do it twice a week to keep our teeth clean. You can search through the videos to find the right technique for the flossing.

Why should we not ignore dental problems?

Even after taking care of our dental hygiene, some dental and oral problems may still persist. You can try home remedies to fade those problems away. But, there are many problems you should not continue along. You must go to see a doctor when you feel that your dental problem is not solving even after trying multiple techniques and remedies.

To counter your dental problems, you must go to see the best dentist Gurgaon near you.

Here are 5 major dental problems you shouldn’t ignore:

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums is not a big problem in most of the cases because normally the blood may come out while brushing and flossing the teeth. But, sometimes, it may create a problem like Gingivitis and it could turn into periodontitis, which can cause damage even to your teeth.

Clicking jaw or ear pain

If you feel clicking or popping jaw, it could be a symptom of temporomandibular disorder (TMD). TMD keeps increasing if not treated immediately. The TMD can cause teeth grinding, clenching, and dislocation of your jaw.

Tooth Sensitivity

Once tooth sensitivity out of 100 times is not a problem. Grinding is one of the main reasons for tooth sensitivity, which may cause the loss of the tooth’s natural structure. Later, it becomes a problem when your teeth start feeling sensitive every time you eat or drink hot or cold.

Bad breath

To avoid bad breath, you must brush your teeth twice a day and floss them at least twice a week. When bad breath doesn’t go away even after maintaining good oral health, then this may be the sign of other chronic health problems like liver and kidney disorders.

Persistent Tooth Pain

If a tooth or jaw pain persists for several days or you are experiencing unbearable pain, you must go to see a dentist in order to avoid other complications like infection.

With a dedicated dentistry unitPark Hospital offers the best dental treatment in Gurgaon. Also, at Park Hospital, you can find the best cosmetic dentist in Gurgaon to rectify all your dental and oral problems.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Park Hospital Provides Complete Cardiac Care For Your Healthy Heart

Are you having a typical chest pain very frequently? Let's discuss the symptoms of cardiac trouble.

Heart disease has become a major concern worldwide. It’s not certain to say who is prone to such a fatal disease and who isn’t. People of all ages and gender, having a family history of heart disease or not, are becoming victims to this. But what’s certain is that it can be avoided or at least be pushed to later in life by bringing changes and adapting to a healthier lifestyle, starting today itself.
Now is the time to understand the warning signs and conditions of a weakening heart.
Not everyone perceives sudden numbness for a stroke, or acute chest pain for a heart attack.
From diagnostic to surgical expertise, complex to minimally invasive surgeries; We at Park are one of the best cardiology hospitals in Delhi NCR, Karnal, Haryana and Panipat with a renowned team of cardiologists and the best heart specialist consultants all over India, committed to deliver the best available cardiac care with world class technology at affordable rates.
Providing complete heart care and seamlessly integrated services; Your heart is now in the right hands with Park.
We transcend the whole heart care gamut, making us one of the best heart surgery hospitals and one of the best hospitals for bypass surgery in Delhi, Gurgaon and all branches across India.
We help our patient and assures them if he requires stenting after confirming whether hindrance is varying from sixty percent to ninety percent. We use our coronary angiography and angioplasty to check this.
Our specialists assist to open hindrancecontusions and prevent the possibilities of a heart surgery.
Our heart specialists render all types of advanced adult and paediatric cardiac surgery in Delhi, making us the best heart surgery hospitals.
Trusted as one of the best heart hospitals in Delhi NCR rendering top cardiac surgery in Delhi, we also have an expert team of heart specialists in Panipat and cardiologists in Panipat.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Successful Craniotomy done with Excision of Tumor (Enplaque Maningioma)

Dr. Anil Arya MBBS, MS, DNB (Neuro Surgeon)

Surgical Case Reports 2017 © The Park Group of Hospitals. 2017
“En plaque meningioma refers to a specific meningioma macroscopic appearance characterised by diffuse and extensive dural involvement, usually with extracranial extension into calvarium, orbit, and soft tissues. These tumours are thought to have a collar-like or sheet-like growth along the dura mater, different from the usual globular meningioma.”* This type of brain tumour is highly vascular and involves risky operation. Being a very rare type of tumour, this needs intensive care. A 45 year old woman with a progressive increasing headache on the right side of the brain for last years, who was also misdiagnosed by a private hospital in Sonepat, visited Park Hospital Panipat. The team at Park Hospital Panipat started the treatment with MRI and brain investigations wherein the En-Plaque Meningioma was diagnosed. There was pain and bulginess in both eye balls due to the tumour and weakness on the left side. The patient was discharged after a week of intensive observation and once we saw recovery signs in her with the ability to move smoothly her limbs.
En-Plaque Meningioma is a rare type of brain tumour and requires intensive care. This is one of the slow growing benign tumours which is attached to the dura and are made up of neoplastic meningothelial cells. These are more common in Western World reporting around 24-30% cases. Meningioma en plaque represents a morphological subgroup within the meningiomas defined by a carpet or sheet-like lesion that infiltrates the dura and sometimes invades the bone. Histopathological features of meningioma enplaque are similar to that of usual meningiomas; however, it is sometimes difficult to predict the behavior in individual cases. Extra-cranial meningiomas form 1-2% percentages of all meningiomas. ** The en plaque variants commonly involve fronto-parietal, juxtaorbital, sphenoid wing, diffuse calvarial or rarely spinal region. *** Due to difficulty in complete resection, the recurrence rate of en plaque meningiomas is higher than the usual counterpart. **** These tumors are also more prone to develop malignant change (11%) when compared to intracranial meningiomas.
Case Presentation
A 45 year old woman visited Park hospital Panipat for an OPD consultation with Dr. Anil Arya wherein he studied the MRI reports and after brain investigations, he diagnosed a rare brain tumour. The lady had progressive increasing headache on the right side of the brain for last 5 years. However, for last 2 years there was pain and bulginess in both eye balls. The patient visited a private hospital in Sonepat for the treatment wherein the CT head was performed and based on the same she was misdiagnosed with Subdural Hematoma. During the operation, the doctor confirmed that the case is of Brain tumour. She was then referred to GB Pant Hospital in New Delhi for further treatment. However, she did not receive any treatment or response; thereafter she contacted Dr. Anil Arya at Park Panipat. After explaining the complexity of the surgery and the poor prognosis during and after the surgery, with due permissions, the patient was operated on 27th July 2017. The tumour mass was completely removed from the brain with craniotomy. Post operation, the patient is conscious oriented with signs of difficulty in limb movement.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Angiography, Angioplasty and Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease is the hardening of arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the heart. These arteries are hardened due to the formation of plaque caused by fatty material and other substances being deposited in the arterial wall. This narrows down the artery and reduces blood flow to the heart and leads to several heart problems, including heart attacks. Heart attacks occur when there is less or no supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscles causing that part of the muscles to lose function or die.
People suffering from heart problems can be treated using surgical and non-surgical methods. Angioplasty is also one such non-surgical method to treat heart diseases (also called as interventional technique). This method is used to widen blocked or narrowed arteries (a result of coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis) that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Pain or discomfort in the chest is the most common symptom
  • A squeezing pain in the chest, neck, back, stomach or arm
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease
Medicines may be prescribed to control high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels or diabetes.

In case the disease is severe, the following procedures and surgeries are done:
  • Angioplasty and Stent Placement
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)
  • Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
What Happens During Angioplasty Treatment?
Before starting the procedure, some pain medicine and blood thinning medicine are given to the patient. A local anaesthesia may also be given.
Angioplasty procedure: As a part of angioplasty, a cardiac catheterization is performed. A sheath (a thin plastic tube) is inserted through the groin or arm, into an artery. Through this sheath, a long, flexible, narrow and hollow tube called the catheter is passed and guided through the blood vessels to the arteries around the heart. A small amount of a contrast material (dye) is injected into the body to highlight blood flow through the arteries. The dye, injected during angioplasty, is photographed through an X-ray as it travels through the heart chambers, valves and arteries. Through these pictures, the doctor can tell if there are any blockages in the arteries or if they have narrowed down and if the heart valves are functioning properly.
In case a decision is taken to perform an angioplasty, the doctor will move the catheter to the artery with a blockage. An interventional procedure (as mentioned below) will be performed.
Balloon angioplasty: A catheter with a small balloon tip is placed at the point of narrowing of the blocked artery. Upon reaching there, the balloon is inflated to compress the plaque in the artery wall to widen (stretch) the artery and increase blood flow to the heart.
Stent: A stent is a mesh metal tube that is introduced as a scaffold into the coronary artery, with the help of a balloon catheter that is placed over a guide wire. When the balloon tip is inflated, the stent expands to the size of the coronary artery and stays in place permanently.
Rotoblation: An acorn-shaped, diamond coated tip is attached to the catheter, which rotates at high speed and grinds away the plaque upon reaching the blocked artery.
Atherectomy: A minimally invasive surgical method of removing, mainly, atherosclerosis from a large blood vessel within the body. It is generally used to effectively treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities are also been used to treat coronary artery disease
Cutting Balloon: An angioplasty technique that has a special balloon tip with small blade that is activated when the balloon is inflated. The blade chips at the hardened calcific deposits on the artery
What is Angiography?
Many people tend to confuse angiography and angioplasty. There is a vast difference between these two terms. While angioplasty has been explained above, angiography is a medical imaging of blood vessels, which involves using water soluble ionic or non-ionic x-ray contrast material that is injected into the blood stream to visualise the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart and is a diagnostic tool.

Monday 13 November 2017

Top 10 Hospitals in Delhi, India

After leaving a great impression in the North region of India, Park Hospital has earned are owned position among the top 10 hospitals in Delhi. Park Group is a rapidly growing chain of hospitals in Delhi and has various Hospitals in Gurgaon, NCR. Presently, they have 1500 beds and reach the level of prominence in the field of healthcare through their new tech machinery and advanced treatments along with a skilled team of doctors as well as Professional staff. With the support of a great panel of doctors and 27*7 emergency services, the hospital attracts a number of patients from all over the North India.
Park Hospital offers high-quality treatment for Cardiac Sciences like diagnosis and monitoring of heart patients, crucial analytical procedure and, Neurology, Nephrology, Orthopedics& Joint replacement, General Surgery, Critical Care etc., which only the best hospitals in India, can provide. The hospital is the appreciable blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure, new tech tools & machinery as well as tech-friendly staff which gives a thought of care and best treatment. Not only this but also the hospitality of the hospital for the people who come along with patients are magnificent so that one can relax in a critical situation.
Excellence in Quality Healthcare:
  • The team of cardiac sciences comprises of health science assistants, operating department practitioners, specialist nurses, anesthetists, radiographers and so on, they help the patients in their most critical times and take complete care till the time they are not cured.
  • The Neurology unit is supported by well-equipped and complete ICU facilities, and also for managing critically ill neurological patients, The Electro-Encephalogram (EEG) monitoring is also available at the multi speciality hospital.
  • The Nephrology unit is equipped with the latest technology for the advance treatment of renal disease and also other problems due to stone, diabetes, hypertension, and infection.
  • The unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the hospital takes complete care of the women health, from pre to postnatal period along with advanced gynecologic surgeries, if needed.
  • The Orthopedics & Joint replacement units help to replace the damaged bone which provides comfortable movements very soon.
  • The unit of Oncology of Park Hospital works and gives the best treatment to Cancer patients through its various forms of treatments which include hormones, drugs, chemicals and biological products.
  • The General Surgery unit normally focuses on the abdominal area organs treatment, as it is the one of the significant decision for your physical well-being.
Being one of the best Hospitals in Gurgaon, Park Groups a renowned name which is synonym with the new birth, healthy life that each and every individual strives for.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Joint Replacement Surgery: Best Orthopedic Hospital in Delhi

Park Hospital
Many people struggle with the issue of joint pains which may or may not develop due to an infection in the joints (septic arthritis), or because of factors like overweight, diseases, or sports injury. These conditions limit the blood flow in the joints and cause problems in the bones. When these issues are neglected for a prolonged period of time, it may cause joint pains. Only the best orthopedic hospital in Delhi will have the options to treat joint pains effectively. Among various options, joint replacement surgery is the most viable option to treat this problem from the core.
Causes of Joint Pains
The best orthopedic doctors will thoroughly screen and verify the cause of the joint pains as the problems may not be as casual as it looks. There are various causes of joint pains resulting from problems with the lining of the joint, surrounding the bone or tendons or ligament muscles around the joint. Apart from this the main causes include-
  • Infection
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Connective Tissue diseases
  • Joint bone or soft tissue injury (Knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle)
Joint Replacement Surgery- A Perfect Solution
The last resort for the treatment of joint pains is joint replacement surgery. People suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are recommended to opt for the main orthopedic treatment i.e. joint replacement surgeries which are characterized by the replacement of the damaged cartilage. In the surgery, the joints are resurfaced while the muscles and ligaments support and function. The prosthesis made up of titanium, stainless steel or ceramic allows the growth of the bone in the implant. The procedure is followed by physical therapies to adjust themselves with the physical movements.
  • Correcting a deformity
  • Improves mobility
  • Severe joint pain
  • Stiffness, limping
  • Muscle weakness
  • Swelling
How to Choose the Best Orthopedic Hospital
To have the most effective orthopedic therapy, it is important to choose the best orthopedic hospital. Since, joint replacement surgery includes hip, knee and shoulder surgery, only those medical institutes should be chosen that suits your criteria-
Logistics: Always make sure that the hospital has all the necessary technologies and treatments required for the surgery. Check if the hospital has a specialized orthopedic department only for joint replacement surgeries. Make efforts to find out the number of operation theaters, nurses and the team of orthopedic surgeons.
Experienced Orthopedic Surgeons: An experienced surgeon will be efficient enough to handle the complex cases and suggest treatment and after-care which will be great for the patient. The hospital that you choose must have a good team of highly qualified and experienced orthopedic doctors & surgeons who will counsel you to clear all your doubts and keep regular follow-ups on their patients.
Feedback from patients: Take reviews from the patients who have undergone treatments and joint replacement surgeries from the hospital. They are the best people to get feedback on the doctors, nurses, treatments and the care offered at the hospital. Their genuine reviews and feedback will definitely help you decide whether to go to the hospital or not.
Location of the Hospital: The location plays a major role. As a patient, one always think of having an orthopedic near me so that in case of an emergency, one can visit the doctor immediately. Getting post-surgical care and taking follow-up from the doctor is always easy if the hospital is located near your place.
Quality Measures: One should always make sure that the machinery, equipment, and procedures of the orthopedic treatments conform to the international standards. From the antibiotics to the quality of prosthesis and the equipment in the operation theater should be of good quality and passed through the quality assurance standards.
Check Hospital Rating: Read, review and find out the rating of the hospital in terms of patient care, therapies offered, medical standards followed etc. These queries are easily answered at the internet and social media pages.
Affordability: The cost of the surgery is one of the most important factors to consider while selecting the best orthopedic hospital in Delhi. Most hospitals have great differences in their cost which confuse most people with the thought that the higher the cost, the better is the patient care, which is not always true. Choose the hospital after comparing the cost factor and the treatment & services offered.