Wednesday 8 November 2017


Dr. Manish Kumar a highly experienced neurosurgeon at the best super specialty hospital performed a successful awake craniotomy for a patient with seizure disorder.

Gurugram, Delhi NCR, Haryana: The best super specialty hospital at Park Hospital Gurgaon, announced successfully operation of an awake craniotomy for a 42 years old industrial worker.
A 42-year-old business man was experiencing rehashed seizures since 2014. After radiological examinations, we revealed an expanding left frontal space possessing injury since 2014; highlights suggestive of Glioma The lesion very close to the area of speech (as it was involving the predominant side – the working side for a right-handed individual) and right side appendages. In this condition, an entire excision with good clearance of the tumor had been undertaken as there was risk of loss of speech and weakening of right side limbs because of the position of the tumor. To keep this loss of speech and weakening of right side limbs of the patient, Dr. Manish Kumar, MBBS, DNB (Neurosurgery) did the Awake Craniotomy with his group of specialists and experts.

Dr. Manish Kumar clarifies that, “Awake craniotomy is a way of performing brain surgery where in the patient is given local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia to keep him quiet and pain free. It’s not the same as the standard anesthesia where for the most part unique gasses are utilized as a narcotic and a profound anesthesia is accomplished.” He additionally included, “In such critical conditions, it is essential that the patient and relatives comprehend the upsides and downsides of the neuro surgery and cooperate accordingly.”
The risk of loss of speech and right-side limb weakness with the quick requirement for the surgical excision was explained by the team to the patient and his relatives and a possible safer option of awake craniotomy was discussed.
Craniotomy lasted for around three hours and was successful with patient cooperation. The tumor was removed completely; however the surgery had to be ceased for some time as patient’s verbal response had developed slowness. The limb response was unchanged. The patient’s speech was saved through the awake craniotomy method of surgery. Post surgery, the patient has recovered his speech and limb power back to normal.
Dr. Manish Kumar who has conducted epilepsy surgery previously, Cervico-Thoracic Junction Fixation and odontoid fixation with other demanding surgeries at the Park Hospital Gurugram, specified that this surgery was possible because of the great team of neurology specialists and consultants as well as sophisticated technology available at the hospital premises. This patient’s relatives were very cooperative and they appreciated the idea for doing this neurosurgery .

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